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What is the difference between Scope and Context in JavaScript ?

A context of a function is the value of this for that specific function.

A Scope on the other hand defines the way javascript resolves a variable at run time. There are four scopes in JavaScript.

  • global
  • function
  • block
  • module

I also deals with scope chain that makes closure possible.

In simple words we can say, When a piece of code is running scope of variable decides what variable do i have access to and context is the value of this.

In Details

Below is an example of object context.

<button id="ok">
Ok Button Clicked <span>0</span> times
<ul id="ul">
<li>li 1 Clicked <span>0</span> times</li>
<li>li 2 Clicked <span>0</span> times</li>
<li>li 3 Clicked <span>0</span> times</li>
<li>li 4 Clicked <span>0</span> times</li>
<li>li 5 Clicked <span>0</span> times</li>
var obj = {
foo : function(){
this.querySelector('span').innerText = parseInt(this.querySelector('span').innerText) + 1


document.querySelectorAll('button').forEach(x => x.addEventListener("click",;
document.querySelectorAll('li').forEach(x => x.addEventListener("click",;

clicking on button will change the inner value of span by 1 each time. Similarly clicking on li will change the value of span with in li by 1 each time.


Note : To know more about scope please refer :