📄️ What is hoisting in JavaScript
A software engineer should know what is hoisting in javascript. It is the most asked frontend interview question.
📄️ What is closure in JavaScript
A software engineer should know what is closure in Javascript.
📄️ Difference between let and var in JavaScript
A software engineer should know the difference between let and var in Javascript. It explains about scope of a variable. It is one of the most asked frontend interview question.
📄️ Closure Examples in JavaScript
A software engineer should know what is closure in Javascript.
📄️ Explain Normal Vs Arrow function in JavaScript
A software engineer should know what is the difference between normal function and arrow function in Javascript.
📄️ Explain Promise in JavaScript
A software engineer should know what is Promise in Javascript.
📄️ Explain ES6 features
A software engineer should know what is changed in ES6 version of Javascript.
📄️ What is strict mode
A software engineer should know what is strict mode in Javascript.
📄️ Difference between scope and context in JavaScript
A software engineer should know what data types are available in Javascript. Though javascript is a dynamically typed language. Note that javascript is a loosely typed language. Data types are allocated dynamically. Unlike other programming languages like C and java no need to decalre the data type.