I have decided to dedicate my weekend to Software Engineer Community. I Will try to share my knowledge with beginners who need it. This may be in the form of a blog or video tutorial. This is the first capsule of that series.
6 Days - 6 Videos - Daily at 7 PM
Saturday 7 PM: How to maintain the Aspect Ratio of any DIV? CSS Tutorial. Setting Width and Height always don't work in all situations so knowing to maintain the aspect ratio is important.
Monday 7 PM: Sometimes we need to add or remove a class to any HTML element for different purposes. In this video, we will discuss how to achieve this using vanilla JavaScript.
Tuesday 7 PM: Shortcircuit operator is a most asked interview question. This is because it plays an important role if you are a frontend developer. In this video, we will discuss the concept as well as the real use of it in UI rendering.
Wednessday 7 PM: DSA Javascript question : Find Majority element. This will also help you to understand the tricky use of Array.reduce and Object.keys.
Thursday 7 PM: What ever may be the input element type, text, number or date. The dot value property always returns string. In this video we will discuss how to return number and date values.